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发布时间:2020-01-14 19:16:03 阅读: 来源:旗帜厂家

元器件交易网讯 1月24日消息,据台湾电子时报报道,来自IC Insights的消息称,2013年全球芯片加工收入增至428亿美元,相比2012年的376亿美元,增幅高达14%,比IC市场6%的增长率高出了8个百分点。

IC Insights称,2013年在整个IC制造市场,专业加工销售额增长了16%,达到362亿美元。主要的IC专业制造厂商包括台积电,格罗方德,台联电和中芯国际。

同时,IC Insights指出,2013年IDM(垂直整合制造)加工销售额增加了2%,达66亿美元。比如三星、IBM和富士通,它们除了生产自家的芯片外也提供代工服务。

IC Insights预计,2014年专业制造IC市场将达412亿美元,涨幅为14%,再次优于整个IC市场的增幅,后者被预测的涨幅为7%。而IDM代工销售额预计将达68亿美元,上涨3%。

IC Insights预测,到2018年专业制造IC市场销售额将达646亿美元,从2013年到2018年,年均增长率为12%,是整个IC产业年均增长率6%的两倍。

IC Insights认为,总之,IDM代工厂商面临的最大压力来自于专业芯片制造厂商带来的竞争,显著的例子是2014年苹果将其部分芯片订单从三星转移到了台积电或者格罗方德。同时,随着IBM专注于其专用RF SOI和SiGe制造业务,IC Insghts相信未来高尖端IDM制造厂商仅会剩下三星和英特尔,而英特尔在IC代工领域能拓展多大程度仍不明朗。(元器件交易网刘光明 译)


Global IC foundry sales rise 14% in 2013, says IC Insights Press release; Jessie Shen, DIGITIMES [Thursday 23 January 2014]

Total IC foundry revenues grew to US$42.8 billion in 2013, a 14% increase from US$37.6 billion in 2012 and eight points more than the 6% growth displayed by the total IC market, according to IC Insights.

Within the total IC foundry market, pure-play foundry sales grew 16% to US$36.2 billion in 2013, said IC Insights. Major pure-play foundries include TSMC, Globalfoundries, UMC and SMIC.

Meanwhile, IDM foundry sales increased 2% to US$6.6 billion in 2013, IC Insights indicated. Samsung, IBM and Fujitsu are among companies that offer foundry services in addition to manufacturing their own ICs.

In 2014, the pure-play foundry market will grow 14% to US$41.2 billion and once again significantly outperform the total IC market, which is forecast to rise 7%, according to IC Insights. IDM foundry sales are forecast to grow 3% to US$6.8 billion in 2014.

On an annual basis, IC Insights anticipates continued revenue growth in the pure-play foundry market throughout the forecast period rising to US$64.6 billion in 2018, which amounts to a CAGR of 12% from 2013-2018, twice the expected 6% CAGR of the total IC industry.

Overall, the IDM foundry"s most pressing problem is expected to be the ongoing intense competition from the major pure-play foundries, which will be especially evident as Apple begins moving a significant portion of its foundry business from IDM-foundry Samsung to pure-play foundries such as TSMC and/or Globalfoundries in 2014, IC Insights noted. Moreover, with IBM concentrating on its "specialty" RF SOI and SiGe foundry business, IC Insights believes that this leaves only Samsung and Intel as the primary high-volume leading-edge IDM IC foundries in the future, with the extent of Intel"s dedication to the foundry business still unclear.



